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Windows Total Commander 5.5

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Už titulek říká to podstatné. Na světě je nová verze Windows Commanderu, tentokrát už však pod novým názvem Total Commander. Označení nese 5.5 a změn oproti předchozí 5.11 je opravdu mnoho, proto je najdete až ve vlastním článku a mimo těch pár hlavních je ponechám v originále. Ve článku také najdete odkaz na stažení přímo od nás. A pokud vás zajímají důvody, proč bylo změněno jméno, tak i ty v článku najdete.

Nejdůležitější změny nové verze oproti předešlé:

  • Filesystémové pluginy nyní umožňují přistupovat na PocketPC zařízení, ostatní souborové systémy atd.
  • Popisy souborů nyní mohou být tvořeny a kopírovány
  • Mohou být kopírovány NTFS file streamy
  • Lister umožňuje zobrazování RTF
  • Je možné otevírat částečně stažené ZIPy (zatímco stahování stále probíhá)
  • Vylepšená synchronizace adresářů, multi-rename utility, ftp klienta a dalších částí programu

Možná vás zajímá, proč bylo změněno jméno. Důvod je velmi podobný tomu, když se kdysi NT Internals přejmenovaly na Sysinternals. Může za to nejmenovaná firma, která vlastní ochrannou známku "Windows". Ta poslala toto léto autorovi Windows Commanderu dopis, že používá jejich ochrannou známku, což by prý někoho mohlo vést k myšlence, že jde o software od této společnosti, a byl požádán o změnu. Kuriózní na tom je, že to oné nejmenované společnosti začalo vadit až nyní.

Ghisler rozumně jméno změnil, aby se vyhnul případné soudní žalobě. Označení "Total" bylo prý vybráno proto, že s tímto programem máte totální kontrolu nad svými soubory. Navíc se zmiňuje, že mu nové jméno umožňuje nabídnout obdobné produkty pro ostatní platformy, jako například PocketPC a Linux. Ostatně, můžete si přečíst vyjádření samotného autora.

A tady máte kompletní seznam změn v originálním znění, který také najdete v HISTORY.TXT:

29.10.02 Release Total Commander 5.50 Release Candidate 2
29.10.02 Added Conversions to new name "Total Commander" completed
29.10.02 Fixed When user tries to download a file from a file system plugin to an archive, suggest the parent dir of the archive as the target
29.10.02 Fixed Show error "Function not supported" when user tries to upload a file from inside a ZIP to a file system plugin
29.10.02 Fixed Ctrl+Alt+Click on F5 button didn't create archive in same dir
29.10.02 Fixed Drop URL from Internet Explorer on Totalcmd now creates .URL file, Shift+Drop starts download
23.10.02 Added Conversions to new name "Total Commander" start
22.10.02 Release Wincmd 5.50 Release Candidate 1
22.10.02 Added Compare by contents: Detect lines longer than 16350 chars as beeing different in text mode (was seen as identical)
22.10.02 Added Compare by contents: Alt+Cursor left/right scrolls by 30 characters
22.10.02 Fixed When moving files and a disk full error occurs, the cursor may be set on a non-existing item in the file list
22.10.02 Fixed Removed '&' sign in some dialogs (e.g. Rename fs-plugin dialog)
22.10.02 Fixed RAR32 and ACE32: Also allow long names with spaces as archive names
22.10.02 Fixed 32-bit external packers: Set source dir to long name before calling packer
22.10.02 Added Recognize html bookmarks exported by Internet Explorer (which don't have a <head> or <body> tag)
22.10.02 Fixed Create CRC checksums: when using the thee button, preserve the file name
18.10.02 Fixed Subdirs sometimes not deleted when using 'skip' or when a descript.ion file is present
18.10.02 Fixed "Edit ini files directly" not working if ini files in windows dir
18.10.02 Fixed Use own function to convert current date to string in search function, because Delphi function may make invalid conversion
18.10.02 Fixed When packing from 'search'-'feed to listbox', only short names were created
18.10.02 Added Search backwards in RTF
18.10.02 Fixed Search no longer worked in RTF control (Lister)
16.10.02 Release Wincmd 5.50 Beta 4
15.10.02 Fixed Hide comment if descript.ion contains empty comment
15.10.02 Fixed 16 bit version couldn't open all dialogs due to low local heap
15.10.02 Fixed Support Explorer-private associations also on Win2k and WinME (was already supported on XP)
15.10.02 Fixed Compare by contents: Limit re-sync length to 50'000 lines to avoid endless wait
13.10.02 Added Synchronize dirs: Keep cursor on current file if user switches on/off display options (e.g. equal files)
11.10.02 Fixed When user enters incomplete path to archive, Wincmd converts it to full path (for plugins)
11.10.02 Added Synchronize dirs: When deleting files, don't simply skip read-only files, ask the user instead
11.10.02 Added wincmd.ini [Configuration] olecomments=0 turns off retrieval of Explorer comments (only get comments from text description files)
10.10.02 Fixed Show Network Neighborhood also when there is no net, to show file system plugins
10.10.02 Fixed Files in zip containing multiple dots could still be converted to lowercase
10.10.02 Added wincmd.ini [Configuration] SearchInFiles=*.jar *.exe forces Wincmd to search in these additional archive types
10.10.02 Fixed Couldn't create one archive per file when file name contained ' -' (was interpreted as a switch)
10.10.02 Fixed Don't try to open ini files for editing if they don't exist
10.10.02 Fixed Wrong title in Ctrl+D - Add current dir
09.10.02 Release Wincmd 5.50 Beta 3
09.10.02 Fixed Search - go to file: Don't place cursor at bottom of list
09.10.02 Fixed Wincmd reported a bad CRC for 0 byte files in archives which weren't actually bad
09.10.02 Fixed Calculate occupied space no longer showed the unit 'k'.
09.10.02 Fixed Always show comments to the lower right of the mouse cursor when the option "Win32 style comments" is checked
08.10.02 Fixed cm_LeftComments and cm_RightComments internal commands didn't work
06.10.02 Added Menu item to edit ini files
06.10.02 Fixed Allow values in single quotes in HTML, e.g. <a href='somefile'>
06.10.02 Fixed WinME: Wrong tips shown for folders (WinME returned empty string instead of NULL string)
06.10.02 Fixed When switching to vertical arrangement during comments view, tabstops could get wrong
06.10.02 Fixed Access violation in 16bit version when trying to use 'cd command' button in buttonbar
04.10.02 Fixed 4th or 5th mouse button click on AVI window in lister hanged Wincmd
04.10.02 Added File system plugin interface: Sum up dirs with Spacebar or Alt+Shift+Enter
04.10.02 Added descriptions to Wincmd dir
04.10.02 Fixed Comments view: no hints shown if file name truncated
04.10.02 Fixed Strings " of " and " free" now contain the spaces (for languages with a dash after the 'k' or 'M' display)
04.10.02 Fixed Background thansfer manager had no press bar when adding selected files for download with "+" button
02.10.02 Fixed Potential division by zero error in Windows CE plugin
02.10.02 Fixed RTF control forgets margins when switching between wrapped and unwrapped mode
02.10.02 Fixed Synchronize dirs: do not synchronize comment files (the comments will be synchronized with the files)
02.10.02 Fixed Exclude comment files from multi-rename tool. To include them, you need to enable copying of these files.
02.10.02 Fixed When renaming, moving, copying or deleting files, skip comment files except if it's the only selected file
01.10.02 Fixed SFTP Plugin: Create new connection with F7
01.10.02 Fixed Don't try to get file tip window again and again if it failed the first time and the mouse wasn't moved
01.10.02 Fixed New internal command cm_VisDriveButtons didn't display volume label+disk size
01.10.02 Fixed Multi-rename tool: Show '..' after shortened numbers
01.10.02 Fixed SFTP Plugin: Forget password when user clicks on disconnect
01.10.02 Fixed When deleting subdirs, show no error when comment file is already deleted
01.10.02 Added Sync dirs: Added browse buttons >> for target dirs
01.10.02 Fixed Hide tooltips when any key is pressed, until the mouse is moved again
01.10.02 Fixed Only descript.ion files are created hidden, files.bbs are created normally
01.10.02 Fixed Background thansfer manager: Don't show "Continue with next" if no file in list and user clicks on "-"
01.10.02 Fixed Shortcut definitions not shown with correct font in Starter - Change starter menu
30.09.02 Fixed Two strings were missing (1520+1521)
30.09.02 Added Resume upload: if SIZE command not supported, rely on size returned through FTP listing (less safe)
29.09.02 Fixed Search in CAB files: F3 sometimes opened wrong file (when file was reaching in next archive of multi-volume archive)
29.09.02 Fixed Try to catch bad mouse messages to drive combobox (Logitech mouse problem)
26.09.02 Release Wincmd 5.50 Beta 2
26.09.02 Added Show free+total disk space exactly like footer (selected files): User can choose between bytes, kbytes and dynamic
26.09.02 Fixed In Compare by contents, move cursor with search result
26.09.02 Fixed In Compare by contents, changed search result underline color to green
26.09.02 Fixed Changed default color of differences in compare by contents to red (because WinXP uses a light blue to show selected lines)
26.09.02 Fixed If 2 FTP connections are open and Wincmd tries to reconnect the second, it may show the wrong path
26.09.02 Fixed Couldn't unpack ZIP archive with Alt+F9 which contained the full path to the file (including drive)
26.09.02 Fixed Use Ansi font for Ansi comments
26.09.02 Added Set default comment type to descript.ion with ANSI charset
26.09.02 Added Option to choose whether to store file comments with DOS (ASCII) or Windows (ANSI) charset. Default is ANSI.
26.09.02 Fixed When deleting html files in lower dir levels with associated "filename_files" subdir, Wincmd could show error "Could not delete directory xyz"
26.09.02 Fixed Sometimes there was no progressbar shown for background downloads
26.09.02 Fixed Don't react to Ctrl+Z in inplace rename field or command line (it's used for undo by the edit field)
24.09.02 Fixed When moving a file comment from one format to the other, the comment type wasn't always adjusted
24.09.02 Fixed FTP toolbar wasn't shown after dropping ftp url to Wincmd
24.09.02 Added Commands cm_CopySrcpathToClip and cm_CopyTrgpathToClip to copy current source/target path to clipboard
22.09.02 Fixed Problems with RTF viewer on NT4
22.09.02 Fixed When switching between horizontal and vertical arrangement, scroll item under cursor into view
22.09.02 Fixed clear color cache when user presses F2, so all custom file colors are re-read (necessary for time-dependent colors, e.g. files max 1 day old)
22.09.02 Added "Save position": Saves separate window width/separators in comments view mode! You can make the panel wider and choose "Save posision"
22.09.02 Added Comments view (Ctrl+Shift+F2): use fixed tab position for comments (even when resizing window)
22.09.02 Fixed When a foreground thread finished while a background thread showed the overwrite dialog, the dialog disappeared! Solution: Don't close FG progress until BG dialog used.
20.09.02 Added FTP resume upload now uses SIZE+APPE instead of REST+STOR. Reason: bugs in some ftp servers corrupted uploaded data!
20.09.02 Added Delete sfv files when user aborts its creation and the file doesn't contain any checksums
20.09.02 Fixed Synchronize dirs asymmetric mode: Don't delete empty dirs by default, user needs to check this option
20.09.02 Fixed Alt+F3 on file when no default external lister defined -> wincmd passed DOS name to lister
20.09.02 Fixed Drag a link from Mozilla to Wincmd didn't work
20.09.02 Fixed When changing descript.ion file, don't show data after Ctrl+D character to the user
20.09.02 Fixed When showing comments, don't show data after Ctrl+D character to the user
20.09.02 Fixed Some dirs appear in uppercase in the thee
17.09.02 Fixed No comment was shown if the file name was in double quotes but didn't contain any space
17.09.02 Added Internal commands to Show/hide various user elements (cm_visButtonbar etc.)
17.09.02 Added FTP-Connect via Ctrl+D now also works with target dir
17.09.02 Fixed Expandable thee didn't initially show special icons, e.g. for recycle bin
17.09.02 Fixed Drag&Drop was not working with file system plugins
17.09.02 Fixed Buttons slow while browsing with file system plugin
17.09.02 Fixed Stored 2 different paths to same ftp server in Ctrl+D, open both in left+right window sets wrong path in first
17.09.02 Fixed Branch view, Mark newer, hide same files could show too many files and crash
17.09.02 Fixed Crash when disconnecting from ftp while focus is in history list window
17.09.02 Added Checkbox to also save the target dir in Ctrl+D menu
17.09.02 Fixed Don't allow the user to enter a dash "-" as the first char when changing user menu title (it's used for submenus)
17.09.02 Fixed Create description files as hidden files
17.09.02 Fixed Multi-rename tool: don't store <Clear> as replacement text
17.09.02 Added Always enclose Multi-Rename settings in double quotes to preserve spaces
17.09.02 Added Comment-change dialog: Let user choose between Windows and DOS font (comments are always STORED in DOS font)
17.09.02 Added Comment-change dialog: Also support Ctrl+Enter to save comment
17.09.02 Fixed Changed maximum allowed comment length for descript.ion lines to 511
17.09.02 Added RTF viewer: Set left margin of 8 pixels
17.09.02 Fixed Show->Comments not working in English version
17.09.02 Fixed Crash on CRC check of packer plugin
17.09.02 Fixed File system plugins couldn't be loaded on Win9x/ME

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Diskuse ke článku Windows Total Commander 5.5

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