BlindWrite 5.1.10
S BlindWrite jsem na tom stejně "dobře" jako s CopyToDVD. Znamená to, že naposledy jsem se zmiňoval o verzi 5.1.6 někdy koncem dubna. Nyní je tu již 5.1.10.
Abych se vymanil ze zpoždění, které jsem nabral, i u BlindWrite vám vystavím change log verze 5.xx v originále. Mimochodem, zajímalo by mne, zda-li se tento program u nás vůbec (spolu s CopyToDVD) používá. Zkuste se uživatelé ozvat v diskzi!
- + Fixed write error with ISO images and DVD-RW
- - the trigger was an ISO image that may fit on a CD, but written on a DVD-RW
- - Application no longer freeze at the very beginning of the media formatting
- - Source combobox in Write page parse and remember correctly root folders
- - DVD+RW correctly ejected after writing
- - Writing progress displayed in task bar
- + implement 1st session only for cd audio backup compatibility
- + implement new finalization code
- + support Double Layer DVD
- + solve a case of "drive not ready to extract"
- + Autoplay V6 improve atip management and solve plug/unplug problem
- + Fix a import topology issue with Alcohol images
- + implement the TAO write mode
- + uses patin couffin drivers v22
- + writing engine updated
- + fix layer information in dvd image extraction
- + cosmetic changes for translation
- + updated help file
- + improve sleep mode
- + fix problems with P4 3.06 HT
- + fix a spanning bug of .iso profile
- + embed patin couffin 21
- + read more media (gap)
- + cosmetic changes
- + new iso profil added
- + various fixes
- + rw tools added
- + some translation updated
- + various fix
- + new profiles added
- - If you experience problems with this version , please consider to rollback to 5.0.2 version
- + Autoplay V5
- + rewritten topology extraction engine
- + patin couffin 19
- + updated burning engine
- + introduce profiles
- + integrate patin-couffin 18
- + support of topology for dvd-rom
- + correct some potential problem with autorun routines
- + Cosmetic changes (application title and caption, translation)
- + Added 3 possible CD write speed (x4, x8, x16)
- + Added forms into translation engine
- + various fixes and optimizations
- + integrate patin-couffin 17
- * Fixed writing speed issue in automatic mode
- * Fixed Mixed mode extraction issue (bug introduced in version
- * Fixed tweak options not properly working
- * Improved write initialization to workaround a problem with SONY DRU series
- * Fixed writing of DVD-R images
- * Cosmetic fixes
- + Huge Improvement of Topology writing, mess misdetection, better quality
- + autoplay version 4 (for Win2K/XP/2003/Longhorn) - more features, more support, more accurate
- * fixed a bug in autoplay driver that could cause a crash under windows 2K with via chipset mobo
- + log entries modified
- * fixed closing app while reading toc led to a access violation
- + Added more tweak options
I tentokrát máte možnost si BlindWrite stáhnout od nás, nebo od VSO software (2,1MB).