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Finální DivX 5.0.4 hotov

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O kodeku DivX 5.0.4 jsem psal už několikrát, nejvíce o jeho betě 2, kde jsem vám představil nástroj nazvaný EKG, který umožňuje ručně nastavit datový tok vyhrazený konkrétním snímkům. Nyní DivXNetworks vydává hotovou verzi 5.0.4 (seznam změn oproti 5.0.3 najdete v článku), která EKG obsahuje. Pokud budete chtít při komprimaci využívat zmíněné EKG, budete si muset buď stáhnout Adware PRO verzi, nebo pořídit placenou PRO verzi. Free verze DivXu EKG neobsahuje. Novou verzi DivXu si můžete stáhnout buď přímo od autorů, nebo z našeho lokálního mirroru: DivX 5.0.4 PRO Adware a DivX 5.0.4 Free.

Snad mi vzhledem k množství odpustíte, že nechávám změny v původním znění. Jsou-li nějaké změny kurzívou, týkají se pouze PRO verze.

Nově přidáno

  • Includes the first version of the ElectrokompressiongraphTM (EKG)
    application, a new gadget from the R&D labs of DARC. The EKG application
    gives advanced video compressionists the ability to reallocate data to specific
    scenes within a video clip.


  • The new RC doesn't use Q=1 frames anymore
  • No stuffing used, bitrate can be too low in some extreme cases.
  • Strategy planning for rate control is much faster now
  • Better tracking of the planned RC strategy creating more consistent quality.


  • K6-2 CPU related crash resolved.
  • Not able to change Bitrate Modulation through CLI field.
  • Cosmetic bug when cropping more than 1000 pixels.
  • Cosmetic bug when resize settings are invalid.
  • During 1 pass quality-based, Quantizer can now be set to 1 with CLI
  • Multiple error windows no longer open upon entering wrong bitrate modulation
  • 'Max Keyframe Interval' no longer accepts negative values
  • Multiple error windows no longer open upon entering wrong CLI option.
  • In the Quick Config CLI field, 'Enable Resize' was taking invalid options
  • Remove -b in the Quick Config CLI field, 'Use Bidirectional Encoding' option
    was not getting deselected.
  • Fixed CLI inconsistencies when "Restore codec's default" is pressed.
  • Max bitrate and encoding bit rate(average) was displayed same.
  • Fixed hitting tab in the CLI field to enable 'Use Bidirectional Encoding'
  • Fixed 'Pre Processing Source' Cosmetic bug
  • Fixed: remove -w in the Quick Config CLI field, 'Update Log file' option is
    not getting deselected.
  • When 'Psychovisual Enhancements' value is set to 4, in the Quick Config CLI
    field, mismatch in slider and label options.
  • When 'Psychovisual Enhancements' value is set to 4, in the Quick Config CLI
    field, mismatch in slider and label options.
  • 1 Pass and Nth PassTM undersized file should be fixed
  • Certain dark sequences would produce a long period of frames using a
    Quantizer of 31.
  • Psychovisual Enhancement field sometimes displayed "Custom" instead of Light
    when unselected
  • "Do not prompt with errors and warnings" would select itself when random
    characters were entered in the CLI after the "-key" option
  • When "-d 3" option was entered in the CLI field, "Source interlace" became
  • Max bitrate would not update at times.
  • DirectShow decoder postprocessing slider became disabled with ATI radeon
    9700 Graphics card
  • DirectShow decoder would "fast forward" when seeking backwards. This could
    cause synch issues when re-encoding DivX Files using the DivX Decoder Filter.
  • Various cosmetic fixes in the Encoder GUI
    • Do not prompt Error unchecked as default fixed.
    • Light Psychovisual enabled itself automatically when exiting the CLI field.
    • Max bitrate reset itself to x10 the average when going in the "profile" tab
  • MPEG-4 "type Indicator" correctly set according to selected encoding
  • No more green first frame at very high bitrates.
  • Decoder updates the display to the appropriate frame when seeking
  • Decoder remembers the postprocessing settings
  • Fixed some memory leaks related to Psychovisual and Nth PassTM mode
  • Nth PassTM RC is tweaked to minimize the usage of high quantizer
  • Nth PassTM doesn't create an empty frames at the beginning of the clip
  • Brightness/Saturation sliders now working correctly.

Novou verzi DivXu si můžete stáhnout buď přímo od autorů, nebo z našeho lokálního mirroru: DivX 5.0.4 PRO Adware a DivX 5.0.4 Free.

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