Nezkousel jste to nekdo slipstreamnout? Resp. jde to vubec? A ted myslim skutecny slipstream, ne copy-to-updates ani rucni vymenu knihoven, ale slipstream jak ho zname napr. z Windows. Nasel jsem neco pro O2k3, zkusim to, ale nemyslim, ze to pujde.
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13. 12. 2007 - 04:18 jste to nekdo slipstreamnout? Resp. jde to vubec? A ted myslim skutecny slipstream, ne copy-to-updates ani rucni vymenu knihoven, ale slipstream jak ho zname napr. z Windows. Nasel jsem neco pro O2k3, zkusim to, ale nemyslim, ze to pujde.
kk, ozkouseno, postup pro slipstreaming SP pro O2k3 nechodi.
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13. 12. 2007 - 05:58, ozkouseno, postup pro slipstreaming SP pro O2k3 nechodi.
13. 12. 2007 - 09:50 cemu to je dobry?
To Howard: K integraci toho SP do již exitující instalačky. Prostě to samé jako je třeba Win XP s již integrovaným SP2. Snad se nepletu a vysvětluju to dobře;-)
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Rodrick (neověřeno)
13. 12. 2007 - 10:02 Howard: K integraci toho SP do již exitující instalačky. Prostě to samé jako je třeba Win XP s již integrovaným SP2. Snad se nepletu a vysvětluju to dobře;-)
Jo jasný. Neumí to nLite nebo nějaký podobný nástroj? Nebo nelze spustit ten servispack s nějakým parametrem, aby to provedl?
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Howard (neověřeno)
13. 12. 2007 - 10:53 jasný. Neumí to nLite nebo nějaký podobný nástroj? Nebo nelze spustit ten servispack s nějakým parametrem, aby to provedl?
tohle jsem našel a odskoušel ... sice jsem to ve finale provedl cele malinko jinak, ale nejdulezitejsi jsem pochitil z tohodle....
Some of you may be wondering how to do a clean install of Office 2007 using an Office 2007 RTM image along with SP1 at the same time. As you may know, Office 2007 makes use of the Updates folder in the installation media to install any new updates that it finds in the folder however the updates need to be in the .msp file format for them to be recognized. Since the Office 2007 SP1 update file is delivered in the .exe format, an extra step is required before being able to proceed:
First, you should copy the contents of the Office 2007 RTM image to a temporary folder. For our example we're using C:\O2007Temp\. We have also copied the Office 2007 SP1 Update file (office2007sp1-kb936982-fullfile-en-us.exe) to the D:\ drive.
Then, using the Run command in Windows XP/Vista (WinKey+R), run the following command: D:\office2007sp1-kb936982-fullfile-en-us.exe /extract:C:\O2007Temp\Updates\replacing D:\ with wherever you stored the Office 2007 SP1 update file and C:\O2007Temp\ with wherever you stored the Office 2007 RTM files. After agreeing to the Microsoft Software License Terms, SP1 will be extracted to C:\O2007Temp\Updates\.
That's it! Just start the setup for Office 2007 and the updates for SP1 will then be picked up and installed during the setup. The same method applies to any other Office 2007 SP1 update.
I hope one day we'll see the same simple method of applying updates to an installation image of Windows...
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13. 12. 2007 - 18:11 jsem našel a odskoušel ... sice jsem to ve finale provedl cele malinko jinak, ale nejdulezitejsi jsem pochitil z tohodle....
Some of you may be wondering how to do a clean install of Office 2007 using an Office 2007 RTM image along with SP1 at the same time. As you may know, Office 2007 makes use of the Updates folder in the installation media to install any new updates that it finds in the folder however the updates need to be in the .msp file format for them to be recognized. Since the Office 2007 SP1 update file is delivered in the .exe format, an extra step is required before being able to proceed:
First, you should copy the contents of the Office 2007 RTM image to a temporary folder. For our example we're using C:\O2007Temp\. We have also copied the Office 2007 SP1 Update file (office2007sp1-kb936982-fullfile-en-us.exe) to the D:\ drive.
Then, using the Run command in Windows XP/Vista (WinKey+R), run the following command: D:\office2007sp1-kb936982-fullfile-en-us.exe /extract:C:\O2007Temp\Updates\replacing D:\ with wherever you stored the Office 2007 SP1 update file and C:\O2007Temp\ with wherever you stored the Office 2007 RTM files. After agreeing to the Microsoft Software License Terms, SP1 will be extracted to C:\O2007Temp\Updates\.
That's it! Just start the setup for Office 2007 and the updates for SP1 will then be picked up and installed during the setup. The same method applies to any other Office 2007 SP1 update.
I hope one day we'll see the same simple method of applying updates to an installation image of Windows...
vlado2> jj, diky, ale to je presne to, o cem mluvim v prvnim postu. Ja shanim skutecny slipstream. Protoze tohle znamena, ze
1) Mas na CD 300MB Office a 270MB SP1, az vyjde SP2 ktery bude mit 400MB uz to budes muset dat na DVD,
2) Jsou to nadale dve oddelene instalace, moc nehraje roli, zda po doinstalovani Office musim doubleclick na exe SP1 nebo se to udela samo.
Je komentář přínosný?
14. 12. 2007 - 04:27> jj, diky, ale to je presne to, o cem mluvim v prvnim postu. Ja shanim skutecny slipstream. Protoze tohle znamena, ze
1) Mas na CD 300MB Office a 270MB SP1, az vyjde SP2 ktery bude mit 400MB uz to budes muset dat na DVD,
2) Jsou to nadale dve oddelene instalace, moc nehraje roli, zda po doinstalovani Office musim doubleclick na exe SP1 nebo se to udela samo.
Diskuse k Office 2007 Service Pack 1 ke stažení
Nezkousel jste to nekdo slipstreamnout? Resp. jde to vubec? A ted myslim skutecny slipstream, ne copy-to-updates ani rucni vymenu knihoven, ale slipstream jak ho zname napr. z Windows. Nasel jsem neco pro O2k3, zkusim to, ale nemyslim, ze to pujde.
kk, ozkouseno, postup pro slipstreaming SP pro O2k3 nechodi.
K cemu to je dobry?
To Howard: K integraci toho SP do již exitující instalačky. Prostě to samé jako je třeba Win XP s již integrovaným SP2. Snad se nepletu a vysvětluju to dobře;-)
Jo jasný. Neumí to nLite nebo nějaký podobný nástroj? Nebo nelze spustit ten servispack s nějakým parametrem, aby to provedl?
tohle jsem našel a odskoušel ... sice jsem to ve finale provedl cele malinko jinak, ale nejdulezitejsi jsem pochitil z tohodle....
Some of you may be wondering how to do a clean install of Office 2007 using an Office 2007 RTM image along with SP1 at the same time. As you may know, Office 2007 makes use of the Updates folder in the installation media to install any new updates that it finds in the folder however the updates need to be in the .msp file format for them to be recognized. Since the Office 2007 SP1 update file is delivered in the .exe format, an extra step is required before being able to proceed:
First, you should copy the contents of the Office 2007 RTM image to a temporary folder. For our example we're using C:\O2007Temp\. We have also copied the Office 2007 SP1 Update file (office2007sp1-kb936982-fullfile-en-us.exe) to the D:\ drive.
Then, using the Run command in Windows XP/Vista (WinKey+R), run the following command: D:\office2007sp1-kb936982-fullfile-en-us.exe /extract:C:\O2007Temp\Updates\replacing D:\ with wherever you stored the Office 2007 SP1 update file and C:\O2007Temp\ with wherever you stored the Office 2007 RTM files. After agreeing to the Microsoft Software License Terms, SP1 will be extracted to C:\O2007Temp\Updates\.
That's it! Just start the setup for Office 2007 and the updates for SP1 will then be picked up and installed during the setup. The same method applies to any other Office 2007 SP1 update.
I hope one day we'll see the same simple method of applying updates to an installation image of Windows...
vlado2> jj, diky, ale to je presne to, o cem mluvim v prvnim postu. Ja shanim skutecny slipstream. Protoze tohle znamena, ze
1) Mas na CD 300MB Office a 270MB SP1, az vyjde SP2 ktery bude mit 400MB uz to budes muset dat na DVD,
2) Jsou to nadale dve oddelene instalace, moc nehraje roli, zda po doinstalovani Office musim doubleclick na exe SP1 nebo se to udela samo.
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