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První build SP1 pro Windows Server 2003 je na světě

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Windows Server 2003 SP1 beta build 1023 už Microsoft dal k dispozici betatesterům. Jde o první build, který Microsoft uvolnil a nelze ho označovat jako nějakou oficiální betu 1 nebo tak nějak. Pokud vás zajímají chyby, které zatím byly ve Windows Serveru 2003 objeveny, pak je najdete v článku. Tedy, v článku najdete pouze ty, které již jsou zdokumentovány v Microsoft Knowledge Base. Jde celkem o 25 položek. Netrvalo to dlouho a první uvolněný build SP1 pro Windows 2003 se neoficiálně objevil na Internetu i pro normální smrtelníky. Máte-li o něj zájem, navštivte například HackFire.

Následující seznam obsahuje všechny chyby ve Windows Serveru 2003, které jsou popsány v Knowledge Base Microsoftu. Měly by být opraveny v Service Packu 1, ale zda-li jsou opravdu všechny opraveny v buildu 1023, to netuším.

  1. Computer Stops Responding When Running BPStress.exe, Error in UsbhFdoCleanup Process (817686)
  2. "Error on a Request to Write Data to Media" Error Message When You Use Ntbackup.exe (817688)
  3. Routing Entry Is Not Deleted from the Routing Table After Network Adapter Is Disconnected from the Network (817689)
  4. When You Disconnect and Reconnect Your Primary Network Adapter, the Secondary Adapter No Longer Works (817690)
  5. Windows Server 2003 Stops Responding During the Windows Update Process (817691)
  6. STOP 0xA Error Occurs When a Program Accesses a File on a Single Instance Store Managed Volume (817771)
  7. Computer Stops Responding with "Stop 0x000000D1 Driver_IRQL_Not_Less_Or_Equal" Error Message (817789)
  8. "STOP 0x000000D1" Error Message When You Try to Run Ntbackup.exe (817790)
  9. System Information Reports Incorrect Number of Processors When You Run an IBM eServer x440 in a 16-Way Configuration (817812)
  10. Cannot Connect to a Windows-Based Server That Is Running NAT If the Client Source Port Is 1723 (817892)
  11. PCI-X Device Is Not Detected and Not Configured After You Hot Plug It (818038)
  12. Multiple Removal Messages Appear When You Hot Remove SCSI Adapter in Windows Server 2003 (818053)
  13. The CreateProcessWithLogonW() Function Ignores the startinfo.wShowWindow Flag (818858)
  14. Windows Server 2003 Cluster Servers May Experience Connection Timeouts to Drives After You Install or Upgrade to the Windows Clustering Feature in Windows Server 2003 (818877)
  15. You Receive an "Invalid Class" Error Message When You Use a WDM Method (819064)
  16. Microsoft UAM Volume Folder Is Not Created When You Install Services for Macintosh (819673)
  17. The Recycle Bin Is Corrupted or Not Valid in Windows Server 2003 (819766)
  18. Cannot Drag Objects in the Active Directory Users and Computers Snap-in (819957)
  19. Error Message: STOP 0x0000007e (0xc0000005, 0xf72ddc76, 0xf791e920, 0xf791e570) (820362)
  20. Computer Does Not Shut Down and You Receive a "System Could Not Find the Environment Option That Was Entered" Error Message When You Schedule a Shutdown Task by Using the AT Command (820524)
  21. The ADsPath of Objects Returned by the Get_ADsPath Method Always Uses LDAP Format (820623)
  22. Problems Occur When a Program Tries to Access a USB 2.0 DVD Drive or CD-RW Drive (820759)
  23. Computer Stops Responding with "DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL" Stop Error If CD-ROM Drive or Tape Device Is Connected to SCSI Controller (821138)
  24. Windows Server 2003 Terminal Server Stops Responding (821467)
  25. You Experience Slow Printer Performance on a Clustered Print Server (822553)

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