První build SP1 pro Windows Server 2003 je na světě
Windows Server 2003 SP1 beta build 1023 už Microsoft dal k dispozici betatesterům. Jde o první build, který Microsoft uvolnil a nelze ho označovat jako nějakou oficiální betu 1 nebo tak nějak. Pokud vás zajímají chyby, které zatím byly ve Windows Serveru 2003 objeveny, pak je najdete v článku. Tedy, v článku najdete pouze ty, které již jsou zdokumentovány v Microsoft Knowledge Base. Jde celkem o 25 položek.
Netrvalo to dlouho a první uvolněný build SP1 pro Windows 2003 se neoficiálně objevil na Internetu i pro normální smrtelníky. Máte-li o něj zájem, navštivte například HackFire.
Následující seznam obsahuje všechny chyby ve Windows Serveru 2003, které jsou popsány v Knowledge Base Microsoftu. Měly by být opraveny v Service Packu 1, ale zda-li jsou opravdu všechny opraveny v buildu 1023, to netuším.
- Computer Stops Responding When Running BPStress.exe, Error in UsbhFdoCleanup Process (817686)
- "Error on a Request to Write Data to Media" Error Message When You Use Ntbackup.exe (817688)
- Routing Entry Is Not Deleted from the Routing Table After Network Adapter Is Disconnected from the Network (817689)
- When You Disconnect and Reconnect Your Primary Network Adapter, the Secondary Adapter No Longer Works (817690)
- Windows Server 2003 Stops Responding During the Windows Update Process (817691)
- STOP 0xA Error Occurs When a Program Accesses a File on a Single Instance Store Managed Volume (817771)
- Computer Stops Responding with "Stop 0x000000D1 Driver_IRQL_Not_Less_Or_Equal" Error Message (817789)
- "STOP 0x000000D1" Error Message When You Try to Run Ntbackup.exe (817790)
- System Information Reports Incorrect Number of Processors When You Run an IBM eServer x440 in a 16-Way Configuration (817812)
- Cannot Connect to a Windows-Based Server That Is Running NAT If the Client Source Port Is 1723 (817892)
- PCI-X Device Is Not Detected and Not Configured After You Hot Plug It (818038)
- Multiple Removal Messages Appear When You Hot Remove SCSI Adapter in Windows Server 2003 (818053)
- The CreateProcessWithLogonW() Function Ignores the startinfo.wShowWindow Flag (818858)
- Windows Server 2003 Cluster Servers May Experience Connection Timeouts to Drives After You Install or Upgrade to the Windows Clustering Feature in Windows Server 2003 (818877)
- You Receive an "Invalid Class" Error Message When You Use a WDM Method (819064)
- Microsoft UAM Volume Folder Is Not Created When You Install Services for Macintosh (819673)
- The Recycle Bin Is Corrupted or Not Valid in Windows Server 2003 (819766)
- Cannot Drag Objects in the Active Directory Users and Computers Snap-in (819957)
- Error Message: STOP 0x0000007e (0xc0000005, 0xf72ddc76, 0xf791e920, 0xf791e570) (820362)
- Computer Does Not Shut Down and You Receive a "System Could Not Find the Environment Option That Was Entered" Error Message When You Schedule a Shutdown Task by Using the AT Command (820524)
- The ADsPath of Objects Returned by the Get_ADsPath Method Always Uses LDAP Format (820623)
- Problems Occur When a Program Tries to Access a USB 2.0 DVD Drive or CD-RW Drive (820759)
- Computer Stops Responding with "DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL" Stop Error If CD-ROM Drive or Tape Device Is Connected to SCSI Controller (821138)
- Windows Server 2003 Terminal Server Stops Responding (821467)
- You Experience Slow Printer Performance on a Clustered Print Server (822553)
Diskuse ke článku První build SP1 pro Windows Server 2003 je na světě