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Total Commander 6.02

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Přesně po třech měsících (pokud to bereme podle data uvedeného v historii) od uvedení Total Commanderu 6.01 vyšla nová verze 6.02. Ta sice podobně jako 6.01 také opravuje spoustu chybiček (dle historie 69), ale již má také 32 položek s popisem nových vlastností a možností. Vzhledem k počtu oprav, kterých je nyní více než jich bylo ve verzi 6.01, asi není nutné příliš váhat a každý kdo používá šestkovou řadu, tak by měl na 6.02 přejít raději co nejdříve, i když mezi novými vlastnostmi nenajde žádnou, která by ho zaujala. A zajímá-li vás celý seznam změn, tak ho už klasicky můžete najít u nás, pokud se podíváte na celý tento článek. Novou verzi 6.02 je možné si stáhnout buď přímo od nás, nebo z jednoho z oficiálních mirrorů.
03.03.04 Release Total Commander 6.02 final
27.02.04 Fixed With file panels above each other, the mouse wheel may have scrolled the wrong window
27.02.04 Fixed Ctrl+Q on drive in "My Computer" turned off quick view permanently
24.02.04 Release Total Commander 6.02 Beta 3
24.02.04 Added Specially sorted totalcmd.inc for internal commands as proposed in the Total Commander forum
24.02.04 Fixed Regular expressions: catch crash in regex library caused by string ^??
24.02.04 Fixed Enter on LNK files to files not working with TabEnterDirChange>0
24.02.04 Fixed Sync tool: No delete before copy for files on file system plugins or ftp
24.02.04 Fixed Increased limit of commands in totalcmd.inc from 250 to 350
24.02.04 Added Cursor right in inplace rename will put cursor directly after selection
24.02.04 Fixed Inplace rename (Shift+F6) will now always select the entire directory name regardless of the RenameSelOnlyName option
18.02.04 Release Total Commander 6.02 Beta 2
18.02.04 Fixed Sync dirs, asymmetric mode: Nothing happended when files only needed to be deleted
18.02.04 Fixed Prevent user from closing lister with ESC while a lister plugin is loading (can cause a crash)
18.02.04 Fixed Appendtabs when tab header was hidden inserted first tab before current dir
18.02.04 Fixed Files - Associate: TC was writing wrong association strings to win.ini for 32-bit apps (Win9x only)
18.02.04 Added Included new unrar dll which fixes some crashes with invalid RAR files
18.02.04 Fixed wrong total size shown in footer after right click
18.02.04 Added Search: right click on result list item selects it and then shows its context menu
18.02.04 Added wincmd.ini [configuration] RenameSelOnlyName=1 selects only name (not ext) on inplace rename
15.02.04 Fixed Convert Tab header names to lowercase if this option is set for DOS 8.3 names (requires restart)
15.02.04 Fixed names truncated in Feed to listbox after Search
13.02.04 Fixed When clicking on a tab with an ftp connection which had timed out, TC asked to reconnect. If user clicked no, a new connection was created instead of switching to a local drive.
13.02.04 Fixed More checkmark problems with menu bar with "Left"+"Right" menus instead of "Show" menu
13.02.04 Fixed Multi-rename tool: RegEx not saved, neither between sessions nor using the F2 function
13.02.04 Fixed Bad position of right click menu in search window
13.02.04 Fixed Right click on current dir or empty space in list no longer included the "New" submenu
13.02.04 Fixed Right click on F8 button caused an access violation error
12.02.04 Fixed Access violation on startup with option "Show tab header also when there is only one tab"
11.02.04 Release Total Commander 6.02 Beta 1
11.02.04 Fixed Access violation when calling "Compare by content" and ESC is pressed while the window is still building up
11.02.04 Fixed In tree view, the free disk space wasn't always updated on both panels
11.02.04 Fixed When calculating the copy speed, don't take skipped files into account
10.02.04 Fixed Problems with tabs to FTP server if user name contains an '@' sign
11.02.04 Fixed 16-bit: could no longer type a dot in quick search
10.02.04 Added Synchronize dirs: Delete BEFORE copying in asymmetric mode, to make space for newly copied files
10.02.04 Fixed Show tip window in search result - feed to listbox if name too long
10.02.04 Fixed Limit length of string in brief view to panel width, show tip window if longer
10.02.04 Added Made list in associate dialog a bit higher (user request)
10.02.04 Added Right click context menu in search window
10.02.04 Added wincmd.ini [configuration] TabEnterDirChange= when user tries to change dir on locked tab with ENTER or Double Click, then 0: do nothing, 1=open new tab, 2=ask
06.02.04 Added wincmd.ini [configuration] LockedTabChange= what to do when changing dir on locked tab: 0: new tab, 1: re-use tab with same dir, 2= re-use first unlocked tab, 3=re-use last unlocked tab
06.02.04 Added wincmd.ini [configuration] ReverseHistory=1 shows last visited dir first
06.02.04 Fixed Unzip access violation caused by damaged zip file
06.02.04 Fixed Lister plugins: Detect string was limited to 259 characters due to a saving error.
06.02.04 Fixed Lister plugins: ListNotificationReceived will now also be sent when WM_MeasureItem is received during plugin creation. The value of the first parameter will then be =0. It is not sent for WM_DrawItem or WM_Notify during creation!
06.02.04 Fixed When tab title length is limited to xy chars, a title of exactly xy chars was still getting .. appended
28.01.04 Added When changing dir on a locked tab and the new directory already exists as a tab, switch to that tab instead of opening a new tab
28.01.04 Fixed Access violation in Ctrl+Q when trying to view file name longer than the allowed 259 characters
28.01.04 Fixed SFV check: Hourglass cursor may be shown after aborting check
28.01.04 Fixed When a firewall was deleted in the middle of the list, all others were no longer accessible. Solution: Show instead. Don't change numbers, they are stored in connections!
28.01.04 Fixed Total Commander now uses the long name when starting a program from inside an archive
28.01.04 Fixed 16-bit: Inplace rename caused access violation if a file with the same name already existed
28.01.04 Fixed Shift+Click wasn't always selecting files from the currently active file to the clicked file
28.01.04 Fixed XP bug: ShellExecute can cause exception with invalid association in registry
28.01.04 Fixed XP bug: double clicking on empty space below file list opened file under cursor (Reason: lb_getcaretindex doesnt return error in this case as on other Windows versions)
27.01.04 Fixed When using a menu with separate Left/Right menu, the checkmarks for comments view weren't always correct
27.01.04 Added opentabs and appendtabs now also work with the tab name in the parameters field, and support placeholders like %P%N
23.01.04 Fixed Punycode (accents in domain names) wasn't working correctly
23.01.04 Fixed Russian names created with Russian locale settings on FAT file system could not be copied with English locale. Now copy/move/rename/open is supported. These files can still not be viewed/edited due to a Windows bug.
23.01.04 Added Multi-rename tool: First letter per word uppercase: Don't do this in the file extension
23.01.04 Fixed Some Unix FTP servers rename files without checking whether the target name is already in use -> problems with multi-rename tool
23.01.04 Added Synchronize dirs: Show total bytes to be compared in footer
23.01.04 Fixed WM_DRAWITEM was only sent to lister plugins when the window item id was set to the window handle. This is still true for WM_MEASUREITEM, which doesn't send the window handle.
21.01.04 Fixed Background transfer manager aborting when switching to a different desktop with multiple desktop software
20.01.04 Added Allways open background transfer manager window in upper left corner if no other transfer manager open
20.01.04 Added Made background transfer manager window resizable
20.01.04 Fixed "Change Start Menu" - "Add submenu" above entry with shortcut -> "--" item has shortcut too
20.01.04 Fixed Win9x: Leaving inplace rename of current path causes listbox to mishave (no cursor, double click renames)
20.01.04 Fixed Access violation on Win98 in Ctrl+B if subdir had exactly a length of 259 characters
20.01.04 Fixed Ctrl+Q on desktop not working
13.01.04 Fixed Could not unzip files in zip archives>2GB (but smaller than 4 GB) when the file starts beyond the 2 GB limit
13.01.04 Fixed Buttonbar: Don't scale icons if the extracted icon has the correct size, e.g. 32x32 icon displayed as 32x32
13.01.04 Fixed cm_SrcQuickview not showing size of dir as Ctrl+Q does
13.01.04 Fixed Trying to put testing of archives via external packer to background caused an access violation
13.01.04 Fixed "add subbar" not working correctly in dir containing a dot in the path name
13.01.04 Added Environment variable support in Mainmenu= and LanguageINI= lines of wincmd.ini
13.01.04 Fixed Search for case sensitive OEM (DOS) text not working in regular expressions
22.12.03 Fixed Access violation when drag of tab starts just below the tab
22.12.03 Fixed Access violation when drag of tab in tabbar is canceled with ESC
15.12.03 Fixed Win98 access violation on right button drag of [..] updir item (only in left button selection mode)
15.12.03 Fixed Lister plugins without a detect string were not unloaded with cm_UnloadPlugins
15.12.03 Fixed Unicode filenames were not sorted by name, but by their alias name
15.12.03 Fixed Re-create systray icon if explorer crashed and is re-loaded by Windows (react to TaskbarCreated message)
15.12.03 Fixed TC hangs when clicking on "Rename" in overwrite dialog while copying with background transfer manager - but only on WinXP
15.12.03 Added Multi-rename tool: Clicking on [N#-#] when no file selected offers longest name
15.12.03 Fixed Inconsistent behaviour of background transfer manager when clicking on "+" while cursor on [..]
15.12.03 Fixed Set current dir to Windows dir before loading Riched20.dll so it isn't loaded from the current dir
15.12.03 Fixed When deleting a dir containing junctions, the data in these junctions was also deleted (not when deleting junction directly)
15.12.03 Fixed Right click on tab, rename/lock, click on lock+press cancel - the tab was still locked by mistake
15.12.03 Fixed If .tab file loaded which contains only a single tab on one side, don't show tab header
15.12.03 Fixed Don't show Unicode names when long names are disabled
15.12.03 Added wcx_ftp.ini, [General], TcpKeepAlive=1 turns on TCP keep alive packages on the FTP control connection, so a router doesn't drop the connection during a long file transfer.
15.12.03 Added wincmd.ini, [Configuration], AccessTime=1 lets TC work with the last access time instead of the last write time, e.g. for copying files last accessed during the last x days

Diskuse ke článku Total Commander 6.02

Čtvrtek, 11 Březen 2004 - 18:26 | Anonym | Evzen> Ve windows muze byt jeste mys :-)...
Čtvrtek, 11 Březen 2004 - 10:44 | Evzen Polenka | Pavel: Heh, a z ceho jinyho by taky normalni...
Středa, 10 Březen 2004 - 23:43 | Anonym | ken_tek> tak zrovna prejmenovani souboru...
Středa, 10 Březen 2004 - 22:44 | Anonym | Vasek: z funkcí, které má SS a nemá TC mě napadá...
Úterý, 9 Březen 2004 - 17:29 | Anonym | Balrog, Pert> Už se mi TC 6.02...
Úterý, 9 Březen 2004 - 12:16 | Jan Kovalský | Petr: OK. Máš pravdu.   Takže když...
Úterý, 9 Březen 2004 - 11:44 | Petr Murmak | Balrog, Vasek: V principu nemám nic proti tomu,...
Úterý, 9 Březen 2004 - 11:41 | Petr Murmak | Lopo: Popsat všechny změny formou článku by bylo...
Úterý, 9 Březen 2004 - 09:19 | Jan Kovalský | To Vasek: Nevím, kde jsi přišel na to, že SS je...
Pondělí, 8 Březen 2004 - 21:54 | Anonym | Mne tam prece jen nektera vylepseni oslovila,...

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