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Total Commander 7.01

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Poměrně rychle se po uvedení nové sedmičkové řady Total Commandera objevuje upgrade na verzi 7.01 a Christian Ghisler všem doporučuje ho nainstalovat. Z historie předchozích betaverzí je vidět, že je opraven problém s odpojováním od FTP, se zobrazováním ikon ve Windows Vista, nechodilo Ctrl+PageDown v archívech s unicode názvy, nešlo změnit některé síťové složky přes „oblíbené položky“, nešly rozbalit některé ARJ vytvořené v linuxech, nešlo stahovat z FTP s velmi dlouhým URL a ještě mnoho dalšího. Celý seznam najdete v článku, kde vám nabídneme i download a návod, jak vrátit kopírovací liště spojitý tvar.

Možná i vy jste byli znepokojeni „rozčtverečkováním“ indikátoru kopírování ve verzi 7 a proto vám poradím, jak to vrátit do spojitého stavu. Ve wincmd.ini (někdo ho má tam, kam TC instaloval, někdo přímo ve složce Windows) přidejte do sekce [Configuration] řádek NewStyleProgress=2.

21.06 Release Total Commander 7.01 final
21.06 Fixed Shift+F4: When user leaves name field empty, start editor without name
21.06 Fixed RAR multi-volume: Pass multi-volume size in bytes by appending ´b´ to the number
20.06 Release Total Commander 7.01 final pre 2
20.06 Fixed When using the option ThreadFindFirst=1, switching to a network share via Ctrl+D could show the progress dialog twice
20.06 Release Total Commander 7.01 final pre 1
20.06 Fixed Access violation after switching to tree view, then opening drive combobox in SAME panel and pressing ENTER without choosing any drive
20.06 Added wincmd.ini [Configuration] CDlabel=0 turns off the display of CD labels (and other removable drives) in Alt+F1/F2 and the drive buttonbar. Reason: Some CD drives take several seconds to return the labels
19.06 Fixed Lister plugins no longer worked when iviewadditionaltypes was missing from wincmd.ini
19.06 Fixed Lister: Select last word of a line with double click, then click somewhere else -> text cursor remained (non-blinking) at old position
19.06 Fixed Search function, feed to listbox: If the previous view was a custom columns view sorted by a user-defined column, re-sort the result list to match that sort order
19.06 Fixed Access violation in compare by contents editor when deleting text from Unicode files. The delete section must end at the beginning of a line to get the error
19.06 Fixed Copy progress dialog: When copying a file with very long name to the root of a network share, the name was incorrectly shortened (the \ was forgotten after the share name)
19.06 Added Allow user to replace also mouse cursors (e.g. for drag&drop) via iconlib entry in wincmd.ini (the same file which contains different file list icons)
19.06 Fixed FTP download from list crashes on very long URLs
18.06 Release Total Commander 7.01 beta 3
18.06 Fixed Multi-rename tool didn´t keep custom sort order of main panel where the files were selected
18.06 Fixed External packers not working if the TEMP/TMP variable points to a path with spaces in the name -> put path in double quotes (will only work with packer supporting long names like WinRAR)
18.06 Fixed Compare by content: using the scroll wheel at the end of the files could show lines out of sync if only one panel had a horizontal scrollbar
18.06 Fixed Switching from 1 to 2 separate trees while in right file panel -> the left tree still showed the directory of the right panel
18.06 Fixed 1 separate tree: When both command line and function key bar are turned off, make separate tree 2 pixels less high to make scrolling during drag&drop easier
17.06 Fixed Switch from custom view with horizonal scrollbar to thumbs view and back with the thumbs view button didn´t restore the scrollbar
17.06 Fixed Encrypted ZIP file created with replacement wcmzip32.dll directly on floppy disk could only be unpacked with Total Commander due to bad header
17.06 Fixed Additional checks to ftp client to avoid that resume starts again from the beginning of a file
15.06 Fixed ARJ unpacker couldn't unpack ARJ files with extended header, e.g. from Linux packed with -2o* parameter
15.06 Fixed Search on FTP: Progress dialog would stay on screen if connection was lost during normal search (not for text)
15.06 Fixed Shift+Enter on EXE files inside of archives no longer worked (it should open the program via NOCLOSE.PIF)
15.06 Fixed Show menu below button, not at the mouse position also in dialog „Custom columns“ and "„Custom fields by file type“
15.06 Fixed cm_CopySrc/TrgPathToClip now copies the true network name instead of the display name on WinXP
14.06 Fixed Copy function, overwrite dialog: Option to (auto-)rename target was missing when using the compatibility mode for copying
14.06 Fixed Change to network drives via directory hotlist (ctrl+d) fails for some pseudo network drives (e.g. third party sftp mounted as drive)
13.06 Release Total Commander 7.01 beta 2
13.06 Fixed Going up one level from an UNC server on XP placed the cursor on [..] instead of the previously active server name (because the name in the title was different from the name in the list)
13.06 Fixed Footer below file panel could shortly appear in a wrong color when the quick search dialog is turned off
13.06 Fixed RedirectSection=0 in section [Extensions] would show up in viewer association dialog
13.06 Fixed Separate tree panel didn´t auto-scroll when dragging file over it (drag&drop)
13.06 Fixed Windows XP: cm_EditPath with network computers edited the wrong name (the display name). Same problem with Ctrl+P, Ctrl+Shift+Enter or cm_copyfullnamestoclip
13.06 Fixed FTP: Temporary file downloaded for editing was deleted even if it was changed and couldn't be re-uploaded
13.06 Fixed Ctrl+PageDown not working on Archive with Unicode name (Enter works)
13.06 Fixed Search text in lister: search whole words worked differently forwards and backwards (´_´ is now considered as part of name, not word separator)
13.06 Fixed Drag&Drop to unopened TAR archive was not working
13.06 Fixed Search on FTP: Detect whether connection was lost when trying to view a file with F3
13.06 Fixed Duplicating a folder tab via right click menu gave the wrong tab title when the original tab was locked with dir changes allowed
13.06 Fixed Search function, search contents: Remember trailing spaces in search string
13.06 Fixed Quick search in separate tree: scroll item into view so at least 3 lines remain before the end of the list
13.06 Fixed Autocomplete in start menu editor only listed folders, no files
13.06 Fixed Configuration-Options-Thumbnails, click on „Add“ button: Show menu below button, not at the mouse position
13.06 Fixed Change attributes, click on „+“: Show menu below button, not at the mouse position
13.06 Fixed Lister: IviewAdditionalTypes takes precedence over internal image checks, e.g. when *.jpg is part of it, TC will not check whether the file has the correct jpg header
13.06 Fixed Archives in archives: Allow to open multiple inner archives with the same name at the same time (unpack temporarily to _tc, _tc0, _tc1 etc.)
13.06 Fixed FTP toolbar had no frame around it on XP with turned off themes
13.06 Fixed ESC after cm_EditPath didn´t place cursor back in file list -> post cm_focusleft/right to main window
13.06 Fixed Wrong error message „Directory already exists“ when trying to create a directory containing * or ? in the name
13.06 Fixed Invisible tray icon if iconlib= points to 16-bit DLL on Vista, or to a file other than dll/exe on all Windows versions -> use icon from totalcmd.exe
13.06 Fixed Auto-complete: Entering an UNC path like \\server\ suggested paths with two backslashes after the server name
11.06 Release Total Commander 7.0a
11.06 Fixed FTP client hangs when trying to auto-reconnect before a download, and the server has been turned off
10.06 Release Total Commander 7.01 beta 1
10.06 Fixed External compare tool: No parameters allowed. Solution: Put program in double quotes "" even if there are no spaces in the name, to avoid that TC adds double quotes by itself
10.06 Fixed Do not show any tooltip window for the updir [..] file list item
10.06 Fixed FTP client hangs after reconnect when trying to download a file when the server has terminated the connection
10.06 Fixed Creation/Renaming of directories not logged correctly and not stored correctly in treeinfo.wc file in some cases

A jako vždy tu máme možnost si stáhnout soubor přímo z našeho serveru, nebo můžete zavítat na jeden z oficiálních mirrorů.


Diskuse ke článku Total Commander 7.01

Středa, 18 Červenec 2007 - 08:31 | Anonym | To Balrog: Tak ohledne ikon jednotek staci, kdyz...
Úterý, 26 Červen 2007 - 09:47 | Jan Kovalský | To Hulánův Pezz: Díky moc!!!   To...
Pondělí, 25 Červen 2007 - 15:49 | Anonym | To Balrog: Do Wincmd.ini přidáš: [Configuration]...
Neděle, 24 Červen 2007 - 22:35 | Anonym | ako to tak citam, napada mi, ze naco ste vobec...
Neděle, 24 Červen 2007 - 01:44 | Jan Kovalský | Ještě takový další dotaz, nevíte kde stáhnu taky...
Sobota, 23 Červen 2007 - 17:19 | Anonym | Vyhledej si v google Total Commander PowerPack -...
Sobota, 23 Červen 2007 - 16:09 | Anonym | neviete o nejakej stranke kdu su nejake pluginy ?
Sobota, 23 Červen 2007 - 01:27 | Kutrix | Pro klid duše raději stahuji update.... Člověk...
Pátek, 22 Červen 2007 - 18:47 | Trashman | Mariusz: ahoj, až teď jsem si uvědomil, že jsem...
Pátek, 22 Červen 2007 - 18:43 | Anonym | Trashman: on nemluvil o ikonách, ale indikátorech...

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