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Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1

Windows Server 2003 SP1 logo
Microsoft včera vydal Service Pack 1 (SP1) pro operační systémy Windows Server 2003. Celkem je v něm zahrnuto 212 oprav (což se může zdát málo, možná se seznam časem rozšíří, podobně jako se tak stalo u SP2 pro Windows XP), jejich seznam s odkazy na příslušné články ze znalostní báze a odkazy ke stažení naleznete uvnitř článku.

Nejprve se podíváme na požadavky na místo na pevném disku. Microsoft zde nerozlišuje mezi verzí pro IA-32 (x86) procesory a Itanii (IA-64), přestože se velikost verzí pro oba typy procesorů liší. Uváděn je rozdíl mezi instalací SP1 ze sdílené síťové složky a instalací z Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 CD, které je možné si od Microsoftu objednat.

Při instalaci SP1 ze sdílené síťové složky Při instalaci SP1 z Windows Server 2003 SP1 CD
Samotný SP 140 MB 140 MB
Uložené soubory SP 20 MB
(soubory jsou uloženy do složky
650 MB
(soubory jsou uloženy do složky
Pracovní místo 350 MB 475 MB
Soubory pro odstranění SP 270 MB 270 MB
Celkem potřeba 430 MB 825 MB
Špička využití během instalace 780 MB 1 340 MB

Odkazy ke stažení jsou k dispozici zatím jen v angličtině a němčině (kterou s dovolením vynecháme).

Pokud chcete Service Pack nainstalovat na jediný server a nechcete se zbytečně tahat se stovkami megabajtů dat, můžete využít službu Windows Update.

A nyní již slíbený seznam oprav s odkazy na články ve znalostní bázi (Knowledge Base):

Článek v KB Popis Kategorie
821751 INFO: Availability of Windows Server 2003 COM+ 1.5 Rollup Package 1 COM+
823980 MS03-026: Buffer overrun in RPC may allow code execution COM+
824146 MS03-039: A buffer overrun in RPCSS could allow an attacker to run malicious programs COM+
828741 MS04-012: Cumulative update for Microsoft RPC/DCOM COM+
873333 MS05-012: Vulnerability in OLE and COM could allow remote code execution COM+
883955 Availability of Windows Server 2003 COM+ 1.5 Rollup Package 3 COM+
814171 Events in the Dns.log file are not time stamped Distributed systems
875495 How to detect and recover from a USN rollback in Windows Server 2003 Distributed systems
875547 DNS root hints reappear after being removed from in Windows Server 2003 Distributed systems
886689 The Ntdsutil authoritative restore operation is not successful if the distinguished name path contains extended characters in Windows Server 2003 and in Windows 2000 Distributed systems
321936 A roaming user profile does not upload successfully, and Event ID 1000 is logged in the application log in Windows 2000 File systems
326830 MS02-045: Unchecked buffer in network share provider may lead to denial-of-service File systems
328237 Some programs do not work as expected when large files are opened File systems
824383 Error message when you try to copy a file by using WebDAV to a WebDAV server from a Windows XP-based computer File systems
827546 The Windows Redirector may cancel a session during a long-lasting locking operation File systems
827649 TTL value from a Windows Server 2003-based domain controller is larger than expected File systems
829885 Distributed File System update to support consolidation roots in Windows Server 2003 File systems
830926 Renaming a removable-media drive creates an administrative share where everyone has full permissions File systems
836040 Disconnected SMB Service dial-up connections do not time out in Windows 2000 Server or in Windows Server 2003 File systems
839231 File copy operations to a DFS share perform slowly in Windows Server 2003 or in Windows XP File systems
840516 Slow performance when Windows Server 2003 writes data to a fiber-channel-connected file share File systems
841475 "STOP 0xA in srv.sys" error message during Windows Server 2003 startup File systems
842130 You cannot open a DFS root on a Windows Server 2003-based server as a Web folder File systems
843515 Your network connection may be reset when you try to perform a file operation on a remote Windows Server 2003-based computer File systems
843517 A workstation may become the master browser instead of a Windows Server 2003-based member server File systems
872964 NT File Replication Service does not replicate file modifications to the replication Distributed File System (DFS) nodes or DFS link targets in Windows Server 2003 File systems
885250 MS05-011: Vulnerability in server message block could allow remote code execution File systems
888319 You experience connectivity issues when you run a program that accesses data on a computer that is running Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP File systems
889326 You may receive an "Invalid parameter error" error when you try to change the file summary information for a shared file that is on a Windows Server 2003-based computer File systems
890554 You receive a "STOP 0x000000D1" error message on a blue screen in Windows Server 2003 File systems
891511 You cannot log on locally or remotely to your Microsoft Windows Server 2003-based computer File systems
816047 STOP 0x1E in Win32k.sys error may occur in Windows 2000 or Windows XP Professional Graphics
822779 Error message: An error occurred printing the file - The data area passed to a system call Is too small Graphics
823477 OFFXP: Image Color Matching printer profiles are ignored in Office XP programs Graphics
826518 You receive a "User32.dll failed" initialization error message, or the user interface does not update correctly Graphics
828146 You receive a "stop: 0x000000d5 (fatal system error)" error message when you try to view private characters in Windows 2000 Graphics
828514 Intermittent "Stop 0x1E" error message Graphics
828969 "Stop 0x50" error message when you use multithread programs in Windows Server 2003 Graphics
829422 "Stop 0x0000008E" error message when a Terminal Services client prints a document Graphics
830348 Buffer overrun in JPEG processing (GDI+) could allow code execution in Visual Basic, Visual C#, Visual C++, Visual J# .NET, and the .NET Framework Graphics
830848 Windows Server 2003 crashes
intermittently with "STOP: 0x00000050" error message
833987 MS04-028: Buffer overrun in JPEG processing (GDI+) could allow code execution Graphics
837429 "STOP 0x00000050" error message in Windows 2000 Graphics
837583 STOP: 0x00000050 error occurs in Windows Server 2003 when a Terminal Services session is closed Graphics
837996 FIX: Bitmaps are incorrectly colored on the mirrored display in Windows Server 2003 Graphics
840987 MS04-032: Security update for Microsoft Windows Graphics
840997 You cannot view enhanced metafile format graphics files (or EMF image files) that were created in Adobe Illustrator Graphics
842642 Your Windows Server 2003-based computer crashes and you receive a "Stop 0x00000050" error message Graphics
842910 A Stop error that references the Win32k.sys file occurs after a screen redraw Graphics
884865 A rectangle that you draw by using the ExtTexOut function is not displayed after you copy it to a program that uses the Windows metafile format in Windows Server 2003, in Windows XP, and in Windows 2000 Graphics
823544 MD_ETAG_CHANGENUMBER metabase property is not honored in Internet Information Services version 6.0 IIS 6.0
823596 IIS Admin Service quits unexpectedly without generating an error message IIS 6.0
823700 FIX: Your computer may run slowly when you use Active Directory Service Interfaces scripts in a program to administer IIS on a computer that is running Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000, or Windows XP IIS 6.0
824322 ASP file cache is deleted after a network error IIS 6.0
824330 FIX: IIS 6.0 does not return AUTH_TYPE for Integrated security IIS 6.0
824446 A Common Gateway Interface (CGI) program may not work correctly if a multi-byte character set string is entered in the HTTP Cookie Header field IIS 6.0
826007 You may receive a "The IIS Admin scripts only support IIS 6.0" error message when you run the Iisback.vbs script in IIS 6.0 IIS 6.0
826270 FIX: You cannot suppress the default FTP banner for the FTP service IIS 6.0
826410 You cannot disable the logging of successful requests in IIS 6.0 IIS 6.0
826756 FIX: The Response.BinaryWrite method fails when you use it to send files that are larger than 20 MB IIS 6.0
827991 FIX: "HTTP error 401.1 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials" error message if the Basic authentication Default Domain property is set to a backward slash character (\) in IIS IIS 6.0
828086 FIX: You cannot rename a file after you upload the file to an FTP server IIS 6.0
828869 The IIS worker process recycles when you use the Server.Execute method IIS 6.0
828970 Problems decoding client certificate attributes of type CERT_RDN_UTF8_STRING IIS 6.0
829010 FIX: Query strings cannot be appended to a default document for a Web application IIS 6.0
830219 FIX: Extending the metabase schema may result in corrupt custom properties IIS 6.0
830520 Two authentication prompts when you use an ISAPI filter for authentication IIS 6.0
832139 FIX: IIS 6.0 serves stale content if your Web site has both an IP address and host headers set IIS 6.0
833734 FIX: You experience various problems when you use the Password Change pages in IIS 6.0 IIS 6.0
834027 PRB: Disconnected TCP session after chunked transfer response in IIS 6.0 IIS 6.0
834141 FIX: IP address is revealed in the content-location field in the TCP header in IIS 6.0 IIS 6.0
836533 You receive a "The security context is invalid" error message when you call or create an out-of-process component IIS 6.0
838790 FIX: You receive a 403.2 error message when you use an ISAPI extension .dll file as a default document IIS 6.0
839003 FIX: "Automation Error, object is not registered" error message when an ASP page calls COM objects that are running in a COM+ package on IIS 6.0 IIS 6.0
841460 You may experience performance problems when you use the URL authorization feature of IIS 6.0 IIS 6.0
867755 Content in Web pages does not appear as expected, or you receive script error messages, after you turn on dynamic HTTP compression for Web sites that use ISAPI filters in Internet Information Services 6.0 IIS 6.0
867776 FIX: Memory leaks may occur in ASP transactional pages that create COM objects in Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 IIS 6.0
872953 FIX: HTTP headers are set incorrectly when the AddHeader function or the SetHeader function is called in IIS 6.0 IIS 6.0
883489 You receive an "Access is denied" error message when you connect to a Web site after you modify permissions in the metabase in IIS 6.0 IIS 6.0
883661 The ILogPlugin::QueryExtraLoggingFields method returns incorrectly formatted data in IIS 6.0 IIS 6.0
883944 Web requests may not obtain the correct security context on a server that is running Windows Server 2003 IIS 6.0
884503 FIX: You cannot configure CGI wildcard application mapping in IIS 6.0 in Windows Server 2003 IIS 6.0
886695 You receive an "Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion" error message when a service that uses the local system account tries to start on a Windows Server 2003-based computer IIS 6.0
886810 The values in the Request.ClientCertificate object are not displayed correctly in IIS 6.0 IIS 6.0
892499 FIX: Some virtual directory configuration information may be lost and event ID 51260 may be logged on your computer that is running Internet Information Services 6.0 IIS 6.0
892988 An access violation may occur when you use an ISAPI filter in IIS 6.0 IIS 6.0
819696 MS03-030: Unchecked buffer in DirectX could enable system compromise Multimedia
839643 MS04-016: Vulnerability in DirectPlay could allow denial of service Multimedia
300034 Your RIS client may not be able to obtain an IP address during the PXE restart on Windows Server 2003 and Windows 2000 Networking
817892 Cannot connect to a Windows-based server that is running NAT if the client source port is 1723 Networking
818320 Modem device entries in the properties of a dial-up connection are changed Networking
820551 Access violation occurs in the MGM Component on a Windows Server 2003-based VPN server Networking
824105 MS03-034: Flaw in NetBIOS could lead to information disclosure Networking
824414 "Error 31" error message when you use dial-up networking to connect to a SLIP server Networking
828333 Event 5774 occurs in Windows Server 2003 Networking
832689 The network adapter is not bound to the DHCP server on your Windows Server 2003-based computer Networking
834108 Routing and Remote Access stops responding when you use the Routing and Remote Access MMC to restart the service Networking
836875 The "Connect using a modem, ISDN adapter, or other physical device" option is not available when you try to create a Routing and Remote Access connection in Windows Server 2003 Networking
837061 DHCP server processes expired PTR resource records in Windows Server 2003 Networking
841125 The DHCP server statistics may not be correct on Windows Server 2003 Networking
843215 The daily DHCP audit log file is deleted after you restart the DHCP service in Windows Server 2003 Networking
867482 The Connection Manager Custom button is linked to the UserName input dialog box in Windows Server 2003 and in Windows XP Networking
867792 IP addresses may not be assigned from the correct scope by a Windows Server 2003 DHCP server Networking
875501 You are unexpectedly disconnected from your VPN session after several minutes in Windows Server 2003 Networking
888403 A Windows Server 2003-based computer may stop responding when a global context is unexpectedly freed Networking
826088 If the Solicited Remote Assistance policy is disabled, you cannot offer assistance to a Novice computer PC health
829092 An access violation occurs when you try to send a Remote Assistance request from the Help and Support Center in Windows XP PC health
831191 FIX: JScript leaks memory when an application repeatedly creates and destroys threads Scripting
836863 FIX: A memory leak that is related to ActiveX Data Object recordsets occurs Scripting
320099 A security policy does not process restricted groups correctly Security
818080 An access violation occurs in Lsass.exe and event IDs 1015 and 1000 are logged in the application log on a Windows Server 2003 domain controller Security
818858 The CreateProcessWithLogonW() function ignores the startinfo.wShowWindow flag Security
821008 Windows Server 2003-based computer becomes slow and unresponsive after running for several days Security
821287 The computer does not automatically shut down when the Shutdown.exe command is invoked Security
821425 Users receive a password complexity requirements message that does not specify character group requirements for a password Security
822774 System performance decreases, and many event ID 576 entries are logged to the Security event log Security
822820 Windows Server 2003-based computer becomes unresponsive during periods of high server use Security
823688 CD-ROM drive is unavailable in the Windows Server 2003 Disk Management utility Security
824245 The size of the event log cannot be reduced by using Group Policy Security
824905 Event ID 677 and event ID 673 audit failure messages are repeatedly logged to the Security log of domain controllers that are running Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003 Security
826133 User of a disabled account is prompted to change the password before the "Account has been disabled" message appears Security
826817 Certificates other than logon certificates on a smart card are not propagated to the local certificate store of the user in Windows Server 2003 Security
826819 The server stops responding and an access violation occurs in Lsass.exe when the server reloads certain policy parameters Security
827182 Group Policy settings are not applied when
you log on to a server by using an account from an MIT Kerberos realm
829011 You are prompted for your user credentials when you request a CGI script Security
829074 Users cannot connect to a Windows Server 2003 domain by using a VPN connection Security
829082 You receive a "Stop error 0xC0000244 {Audit Failed}" error message when the crashonauditfail registry key is set to 1 on a Windows Server 2003-based computer Security
830880 Cannot join Windows Server 2003 Active Directory domain when you run setup unattended Security
831789 Security Identity Mapping format is not homogeneous with the Schannel certificate mapper format in Windows Server 2003 Security
832572 An update is available that introduces the NO_AUTH_REQUIRED flag to the UserAccountControl property in Windows 2000 Security
833174 The local Security Settings snap-in stops responding on your Windows Server 2003-based computer Security
833409 The roaming profile is not loaded after the user uses Terminal Services to log on to Windows Server 2003 Security
833620 "Invalid Access Memory Location (998)" error message when a 32-bit application calls the LsaLogonUser function on a 64-bit version of Windows Server 2003 Security
833708 KDC does not allow clients to specify an etype in Windows Server 2003 Security
834100 You cannot use the shutdown command to shut down or to restart Windows Server 2003 remotely Security
834859 "The specified domain either does not exist or could not be contacted" error message in Windows Server 2003 Security
837117 Programs that use the Kerberos authentication protocol may not be able to process messages out of sequence Security
837682 Smart card APIs may fail during a Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services session Security
838165 No option in Windows Server 2003 to set the Extended Key Usage (EKU) extension to use a "Critical" setting Security
838656 An access violation in Lsass.exe forces a Windows Server 2003-based computer that is running Terminal Services to restart Security
838777 New network shared folders automatically assign Read permissions to the Everyone group in Windows Server 2003 Security
838971 An access violation occurs in Lsass.exe when you run Diskeeper Administrator in Windows Server 2003 Security
839146 A digitally signed application stops responding in Windows Server 2003 Security
840721 Remote user cannot unlock a Terminal Services session in Windows Server 2003 Security
840837 Connection security may not be detected correctly in Internet Explorer 6 or Internet Explorer 5 Security
841105 You cannot access encrypted files after you log on by using a password that was changed programmatically in Windows Server 2003 Security
843071 Ktpass.exe may not create a Kerberos keytab file successfully when you use the /target switch and the /mapuser switch on a Windows Server 2003-based computer or on a Windows 2000-based computer Security
870973 A memory leak occurs in an application using the Volume Shadow Copy Service on a computer that is running Windows Server 2003 Security
872810 A certificate with a policy extension URL is not accepted by some programs in Windows Server 2003 Security
873407 Slow performance when you apply Access Control Lists remotely on a DFS shared path in Windows Server 2003 Security
873419 "Windows cannot open this program because it has been prevented by a software restriction policy" error message when a user tries to open a file in Windows Server 2003 Security
875506 The PIN dialog box may not be displayed when you use a smart card to log on to a Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services session Security
875534 You receive a "Lsass.exe access violation in Schannel.dll" error message in Windows Server 2003 Security
885835 MS04-044: Vulnerabilities in Windows Kernel and LSASS could allow elevation of privilege Security
886675 You cannot establish new Terminal Services connections to a Windows Server 2003-based terminal server Security
888303 Windows Update Services cannot download large Windows update files in Windows Server 2003 Security
890477 Kerberos Event ID: 529 is logged when you use a local user account to verify security access or group membership on a Windows Server 2003-based Kerberos client Security
891307 TCP connections are not closed on LDAP port 389 after you copy EFS-encrypted files to a Windows Server 2003-based file server in a domain Security
893238 A custom Authorization Manager application may leak memory in Windows Server 2003 Security
823616 Cannot add trusted sites in Internet Explorer by using Sysprep.exe Setup
826508 An unattended installation of Windows Server 2003 cannot continue and you receive a message with error code 18 Setup
826751 Backup program causes gradually declining performance Storage services
826936 Time-out errors occur in Volume Shadow Copy service writers, and shadow copies are lost during backup and during times when there are high levels
of input/output
Storage services
833167 A Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) update package is available for Windows Server 2003 Storage services
887827 A Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) update-2 package is available Storage services
315870 Current client mappings are lost after you attach a file system filter to Rdpdr.sys Terminal Server
321624 You receive a "The client could not establish a connection to the remote computer" error message when you try to establish a remote desktop connection to a Windows XP-based computer Terminal Server
324380 MS02-051: Cryptographic flaw in RDP protocol can cause information disclosure Terminal Server
814408 Printer Operators group is not listed in the Terminal Server redirected print queue Terminal Server
821467 Windows Server 2003 Terminal Server stops responding Terminal Server
822110 The minimum encryption level set in a Citrix policy for Citrix MetaFrame for Windows Server 2003 is not enforced Terminal Server
822664 WMI Terminal Server Provider SelectNetworkAdapterIP method does not work correctly Terminal Server
823874 Access does not start after you modify the Terminal Server registry to return the user name instead of the computer name Terminal Server
824952 The Beep function does not generate a beep sound in a Terminal Services session to a Windows Server 2003-based computer Terminal Server
828326 It takes longer than you expect to log off from a Terminal Services session in Windows 2000 or Windows Server 2003 Terminal Server
828662 Terminal Server stops responding when idle sessions are being ended Terminal Server
828664 An access violation error occurs if your Terminal Services information is corrupted Terminal Server
828742 Multiple Windows Installer programs cannot write to the same registry key in Windows Server 2003 Terminal Server
829109 Terminal Server profile path is ignored if the user who is logging on does not have Query Information permissions on the RDP-TCP connection Terminal Server
830209 Mouse pointer movement is not smooth if you use Microsoft Terminal Services Advanced Client 5.1 or later Terminal Server
832048 Terminal Services .ini files do not synchronize as you expect in Windows Server 2003 Terminal Server
832088 Windows Server 2003 Terminal Server ignores the idle disconnect settings in a user profile Terminal Server
832794 Terminal Server License Server Activation Wizard generates a product ID that does not work Terminal Server
833308 "%" character in Terminal Services profile path appears as a numeric string when you use the TSPROF command in Windows Server 2003 Terminal Server
833343 The WTSSetUserConfig command causes a memory leak on Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Terminal Server
833746 You cannot print from a Terminal Server session that is hosted by Windows Server 2003 Terminal Server
833890 Tsadmin.exe quits unexpectedly when you click the server name or the Processes tab in Terminal Services Manager Terminal Server
834651 Terminal Services licensing mode changes from Per User or from Per Device to an invalid value after you add or remove a Windows component Terminal Server
834803 License Server Security Group setting does not work in Windows Server 2003 Terminal Server Terminal Server
837211 Client computers cannot obtain a permanent Windows 2000 Terminal Services Client Access License (CAL) from a Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services Licensing server Terminal Server
838291 Some applications cannot access the serial port in Windows Server 2003 Terminal Server
838462 Terminal Services clients may continue to receive a third-party GINA window after it is disabled Terminal Server
839727 You may receive an error in the Userinit.exe component when you log on to a Windows Server 2003-based or a Windows 2000-based Terminal Services session Terminal Server
840872 You may not be able to paste an item in an Office 2003 program after you connect to a Windows Server 2003-based server that is running Terminal Server Terminal Server
842506 You cannot use the tsshutdn command to restart a Windows Server 2003-based terminal server Terminal Server
843285 Remote Desktop Connection triggers an access violation and does not respond when you set the FilterQueueType registry value to 0x7 in Windows Server 2003 Terminal Server
843301 A Remote Desktop session is disconnected without warning if a session reconnect request does not complete as expected on a Windows Server 2003-based computer Terminal Server
867684 You receive a stop error message when your Windows Server 2003-based computer connects to a terminal server session Terminal Server
873418 Cursor does not blink in programs when you connect to a Windows Server 2003-based computer by using a Terminal Services session Terminal Server
875535 Terminal Services Home Folder path does not inherit the parent folder permissions in Windows Server 2003 Terminal Server
884570 Event ID 1004 is logged when a thin client tries to obtain a license from a Windows Server 2003-based terminal server Terminal Server
885923 You may experience home folder permissions problems when you use Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services in an environment that includes Windows NT 4 computers Terminal
834673 BUG: An application may stop capturing data after running for multiple hours Windows Media
836545 FIX: Some content may cause rebuffering on certain networks Windows Media
839203 FIX: Windows Media components leak memory when you create custom applications Windows Media
839340 FIX: Update to behaviors of certain proxy servers on Windows Media Player 9 Series Windows Media
839522 FIX: The filter graph that uses the Windows Media ASF Writer filter may stop working when a sparse script stream is present Windows Media
884267 FIX: The audio is temporarily lost for some items in the playlist when you play streaming content by using the RTSP protocol Windows Media
885641 FIX: You cannot encode and playback certain formats with the Windows Media ASF Filter Windows Media
887131 FIX: A problem may occur with audio and video synchronization when certain TV capture cards are used Windows Media
889136 FIX: "0x8004020D - The buffer is not big enough" error message when you play back or to convert a WAV file that is larger than 2 gigabytes in your client application that uses Microsoft DirectX Windows Media
892906 FIX: Windows Media digital rights management-protected files may not play back correctly on Windows Media DRM 10 for Portable Devices Windows Media


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Diskuse ke článku Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1

Středa, 17 Srpen 2005 - 08:23 | Pavel NEUMANN | Dobry den, mam stejny problem jako lub a...
Pondělí, 1 Srpen 2005 - 14:37 | Anonym | Dobry den, mam jeden problem a potrebuju poradit...
Pátek, 13 Květen 2005 - 10:14 | CDR server | Tato diskuze je nyní společná i pro bleskovku Už...
Středa, 27 Duben 2005 - 13:34 | Anonym | Lze tento SP1 instalovat na českou verzi Windows...
Středa, 6 Duben 2005 - 07:20 | Anonym | No ano urcite na serveru kde nic nebezi bude...
Pondělí, 4 Duben 2005 - 00:23 | Shafa | FMGsk: Jasne, timto nepropaguju linux, pac ho...
Pondělí, 4 Duben 2005 - 00:00 | Anonym | Ale ale chlapci, aj Linux ma diery...Mne ten...
Neděle, 3 Duben 2005 - 23:07 | Shafa | Po zkusenostech hlavne s 3 pr*elema SP pro...
Sobota, 2 Duben 2005 - 22:01 | Bespi | zombi: No vidis a na mnoha serverech to bezi v...
Sobota, 2 Duben 2005 - 12:40 | Anonym | bacha na instalaciu, mne zhodila windows. nemozem...

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