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Diskuse k Zemřel otec laseru

tenhle pan na to neprisel a moc dobre vi proc.

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bych chtel videt to jeho zarizenicko

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Můžete to někdo rozvést, jak to bylo s tím patentovým sporem a kdo ještě má nějaké ty zásluky. Dík.

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kingpin> když už uvádíš nějaké tvrzení, měl bys jej podložit. Takhle to je bohaprosté plácání do větru. To si bereš příklad z našich veleúspěšných politiků?

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A já trouba myslel, že první byl Maimanův rubíňák v šedesátým....

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To kingpin: Tak tak, takhle prehlizet Jaru Cimrmana, to je pekna sprostarna, ze jo?

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kingpin> on to ví, ty to víš. Já to ale nevím a podle reakcí ostaních to neví více lidí. Tak to prosím napiš, nebo se přestaň snažit být zajímavý a tajemný.

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Ja viem len tolko, ze laser skoro v rovnakom case vynasli dvaja ludia. Najprv bol patent udelen jednému, ale ten laser bol nepouzitelny. Neskor ten druhy pan dokazal (nejaky list ulozeny na poste tak nejak), ze na lasere zacal pracovat skor a jeho laser sa zacal aj pouzivat. Patent nakonec bol prisudeny jemu a pravom. Neuvadzam ziadne mena, lebo ich neviem.
Berte to s rezervou pribeh som kedysi pocul v nejakom dokumente, tak ak niekto vie viac nech ma nekamenuje.

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coboli tu taraji nezmyseli. ja bych je tim lejzrem rozsmelcoval. lejzr vymyslel pan lejzr ve filmu adela jeste nevecerela

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Ak bola CO2 tak to bolo velke a drahe ako ENIAC a malo prikon tak 200kW a vykon 1 kW (dnes ma 2kW CO2 asi 3x2x1.5m prikon 50kW).... (stoji 200 000 EUR)
zase HeNe ci Nd:Yag su mensie

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aj ked tu ide o vykonove laser-y, ktore rezu vyparenim kovu -pricom ohrev je z 20C na 5000C za <1ms pri oceli o hrubke 5mm
max. CO2 je dnes nad 10kW, v BA su 3ks CO2 o vykone 8kW(rok vyroby 1990-UK),5kW(1987,BEL) a 1,8kW(1990,GER) a 1,8kw Nd:Yag(2004,RUS)

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Wikipedia říká toto: The first working laser was made by Theodore H. Maiman in 1960 at Hughes Research Laboratories in Malibu, California, beating several research teams including those of Charles Townes at Columbia University, and Arthur L. Schawlow at Bell laboratories. Maiman used a solid-state flashlamp-pumped synthetic ruby crystal to produce red laser light at 694-nanometres wavelength. In the same year the Iranian physicist Ali Javan invented the gas laser.
Population inversion is also the concept behind the maser. The first maser was built by Charles H. Townes and graduate students J. P. Gordon, and H. J. Zeiger in 1953. Townes later worked with Arthur L. Schawlow to describe the theory of the laser, or optical maser as it was known. The word laser was coined in 1957 by Gordon Gould. Gordon also coined the word iraser, intending "aser" as the suffix and the spectra of light emitted at as the prefix (examples: X-ray laser = xaser, UltraViolet laser = uvaser) but these terms never became popular. Gordon was also credited with lucrative patent rights for a gas-discharge laser in 1987, following a protracted 30 year legal battle.
The first maser, developed by Townes, was incapable of continuous output. Nikolai Basov and Alexander Prokhorov of the USSR worked independently on the quantum oscillator and solved the problem of continuous output systems by using more than two energy levels. These systems could release stimulated emission without falling to the ground state, thus maintaining a population inversion. In 1964, Charles Townes, Nikolai Basov and Alexandr Prokhorov shared a Nobel Prize in Physics "for fundamental work in the field of quantum electronics, which has led to the construction of oscillators and amplifiers based on the maser-laser principle."

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