Vyjádření Andrewa Feldmana v originálním znění
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"In a radical about face, Intel tomorrow is planning to announce a new Atom-based processor for micro servers. Intel is finally acknowledging the micro server party, although we do wonder if it’s 'too little, too late?' In a veiled attempt to rewrite history, last week Intel drug a fairly unknown engineer out of its labs to talk about its “history” in micro server development. But don’t let this fool you. Intel’s 'history' with micro servers has been very short.
A few points to keep in mind while participating in the press conference and writing your stories tomorrow:
- The original SeaMicro SM10000 server used Intel’s Atom processor, but Intel was not supportive of this. For years, the company fought SeaMicro on their choice of processor.
- Almost two years ago, Intel had a 64-bit, dual-core Atom processor part made for SeaMicro, but this processor was not promoted by Intel.
- Intel has insisted for years that micro servers not be more than 10 percent of the market. Are they back-peddling?
Intel is way behind on small cores. They have no cell phone market share, little tablet market share, and now they are threatened that they will lose server market share. AMD and its SeaMicro technology are leading the charge in micro server technology and development. We recently announced a technology partnership with ARM and plans to roll out micro servers using ARM technology. It’s understandable that Intel is threatened, but we would like to make sure that everyone has the facts straight."